Build Me An Army Worthy Of Mordor Part 2

After getting my first 12 Morannon Orcs battle ready I now turn my attention to finding an able commander for this warband.

With the re-invigoration of the hobby, Forge World have now started producing excellent models for the range. Among my favourites for this are ‘Guritz and Gothmog’s Enforcer’. As mentioned in my last blog, I wanted to add Gurtiz to the army. I love the aesthetic of the model, and that scythe should really help me out!

Guritz has some great abilities around his placement during deployment and coupled with his Heroic March I think he’ll be a great tactical option for the army. Plus I don’t have any two-handed weapons as yet and this will be extra-deadly with his store of 3 Might.

I swiftly ordered from Forge World for the first time, and days later the stunning blister pack arrived.

I’d never put together a Forge World model before but I followed the helpful Forge World preparation video and found it easier than I expected.

The quality is amazing, and he’s the perfect addition to my force. I set about painting him in the same fashion as the Morannon’s from the first blog. The flesh was built up using a base of Zandri Stone , washed with Agrax Earthshade followed by a Zandri highlight, with a final highlight of some Ushabti bone.

The picture above is the finished article, minus the base. I couldn’t quite get the light on later pictures. I’m really really happy with him and can’t wait to get him on the table.

In terms of my armies progress I now have around 150 points painted. It’s not ready for any pitched battles yet, but I’m considering giving the Morannon’s a run out in Battle Companies, perhaps using Guritz as a Morannon with a pick!

I think it’s important to get another 12 Morannon Orcs sorted next. The concept of two ‘troop’ choices is a hangover from my Warhammer days, but it gives the army a nice footprint and I could then start expanding out into other stuff. Obviously the warband will need someone to lead them. Whilst I have Gothmog’s Enforcer, he needs his boss to get full use of his abilities… So perhaps that is the direction I’m heading in!

I’m also at bit of a crossroads (a very excited one) as of the time of publication, I believe lots of scheduled releases are about to be shown in relation to the new supplement ‘Gondor at War’. The Morannon Orcs are bound to be caught up in this somehow. I already know for certain from the Warhammer Twitch stream that we will now have ‘The army of Gothmog’ as a ‘Legion’ which will give my new army a raft of new benefits! Fingers crossed for a few more models too!

Check back next time for an update on my progress. Comments/Suggestions welcome!

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